My apologies for being away so long! I had a bout of Spring Break fever and was away mentally.
Now that I'm back, I wanted to blog about an amazing, possibly the MOST amazing, bakery in the world. Note, this is a vegan bakery, however, I don't specify that because their desserts are amazing, vegan or not!
Vegan Treats is this hidden gem located in Bethlehem, PA. I discovered them when I ordered a slice of cake from Java Green, which is a mostly vegan (some vegetarian) restaurant in DC. The cake was a super moist, rich, lovely, chocolaty....**drooooolll...** Ok, you get the point. I asked them where they got this lovely creature from and they mentioned Vegan Treats. Me being hungry, for more cake as well as the knowledge of the source of it, immediately went back and googled it. I read all about this small bakery. The owner/master baker, Danielle Konya, now one of my idols, is this talented, compassionate woman who started this bakery up to share her amazing treats with the world. She is even popular with certain celebrities (Gwenyth Paltrow, AFI, Alicia Silverstone, etc).
Now even though I'm in love with this bakery, I was weary of making a 3 hour plus trek to get there. Fortunately, I found out that they make deliveries to restaurants in the DC metro area every Friday so I simply place an order the day before and they will either drop it off at one of the restaurants or meet me at my work to deliver it. Since I'm only a mile or so away from one of the places they deliver to, they are OK with this. I also try to order enough to make it worth their while to deliver to me. They have mentioned that they are looking into opening up a store in the DC area. I would LOVE that although I'd be very afraid for my waistline!!!
They also make deliveries to restaurants in New York and other surrounding areas.
Many people have asked me if this is healthier than traditional dairy and egg based desserts. I say probably not because it still contains sugar, fat, etc., however because it negates any animal based product, it's cholesterol-free AND most importantly, it's cruelty-free and that's good enough for me!
It just really makes you realize that animal derived sources are totally unnecessary. The baker uses tofu. Yes, TOFU. You can blech all you want but that food source is so versatile and just plain awesome.
If you don't believe me, I challenge you to try these desserts and not be in love and/or realize there is no dairy or eggs.
You can find Vegan Treat's desserts at Busboys and Poets, Toscana Grill, and Java Green. If you don't live in or around PA, NY, or VA, contact Vegan Treats to see if they deliver to any restaurants near you!
Some of my past orders....***DROOL***